

亚利桑那的协作制造人才实施全球解决方案并开发未来的技术. With innovative training programs, leading universities and a robust pipeline, Arizona’s talent pool is ready to shape the future.


Manufacturing Job Growth From 2018 to 2022


Manufacturing Jobs



Lightcast, 2023


亚利桑那州的人才培训和大学cq9传奇电子论坛侧重于智能, connected manufacturing with hands-on opportunities. 该州是准备合作的高科技制造人才的中心, innovation and the future.


30 schools offering related programs

19,949 degrees and certificates granted in 2021

Arizona State University Logo

Arizona State University (ASU) 坦佩大学是美国最大的学院和大学之一. U.S. News & World Report has ranked ASU as the most innovative school in the country for eight consecutive years. ASU is home to the highly regarded W. P. 凯瑞商学院(Carey School of Business)、雷鸟全球管理学院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)和美国工商管理学院(Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. The Fulton Schools enroll more than 32,200 engineering students, with high concentrations in computer science, information technology and software engineering. 亚利桑那州立大学提供机器人和自主系统硕士课程 25 world-class robotics and engineering labs. 在2021财年,亚利桑那州立大学的研发支出超过6.77亿美元.


亚利桑那州立大学以其供应链和物流专业而闻名,其本科生排名全国第二,研究生排名全国第三 U.S. News & World Report. Additionally, 亚利桑那州立大学的研究人员正在为交通运输部门做出宝贵的贡献, with centers and initiatives that focus on sustainability, autonomous vehicles and smart materials design and testing. 2023年,亚利桑那州立大学的艾拉·富尔顿工程学院在全美排名第一 Top 40 among all of the nation's graduate programs, 22 among graduate programs at public institutions and 12 全国在线工程硕士cq9传奇电子论坛之一 U.S. News & World Report.

University of Arizona Logo

University of Arizona (UArizona) 图森市是美国第一个系统工程学术部门的所在地, 哪些课程能让学生为未来的高科技制造业工作做好准备. 电气与计算机工程学院拥有多学科研究中心,支持国际公认的自主系统和机器人通信研究, circuits, microelectronics and optics and photonics. In the fiscal year 2021, UA had R&D expenditures of more than $770 million.

Northern Arizona University Logo

Northern Arizona University’s 本科工程专业在全美不提供博士学位的学校中名列前茅. NAU also offers astrophysics programs, mechanical engineering, aerospace studies, adaptive materials and systems, composites and optics. 该大学也是先进复合材料实验室的所在地, a research laboratory equipped for the fabrication, testing and analysis of composite materials. IIn the fiscal year 2021, research & NAU的发展支出总额超过6900万美元.


Arizona Advanced Technology Network

Arizona Advanced Technology Network
When Lucid Motors decided to move to Arizona, 亚利桑那州商务管理局主动采取行动,确保该州继续为Lucid Motors和该地区的其他制造商培养训练有素的人才,这样公司就能确切地知道毕业生学到了什么,并拥有一支准备在他们的设施中脱颖而出的劳动力. Thus, Arizona’s employers, 公共部门和学术机构建立了首个合作伙伴关系 Arizona Advanced Technology Network (AATN). The Maricopa County Community College District, 中亚利桑那学院和皮马社区学院与数十家制造商合作开发了一套统一的, 行业认可的课程,专门教授制造业工作所需的技能. 学生现在可以注册获得自动化工业技术堆叠证书和学位, 都达到了备受推崇的美国国家金属加工技能协会(NIMS)的标准。.

Maricopa Community Colleges logo

Maricopa County Community College District
Arizona is home to a robust community college network, 包括马里科帕县社区学院区. More than 200,000名学生可以获得工程学专业的学位和证书, robotics technologies and artificial intelligence. 这些课程为学生提供物理基础知识, engineering, computer hardware and programming. MCCCD直接与波音和卡特彼勒等当地雇主合作,开发定制的培训课程, so employees obtain skills that companies value. In 2020, MCCCD partnered with Intel to launch the first artificial intelligence associate degree program 让成千上万的学生在医疗保健行业找到工作, automotive, industrial and aerospace fields.

Central Arizona College Logo

Central Arizona College has five campuses throughout Pinal County. 作为亚利桑那先进技术网络(AATN)的创始成员, 中亚利桑那学院的自动化工业证书为学生提供运行和维护机器人的技能, 3D printing, 能读写机器编程代码,具有液压和电气系统知识. 该学院最近宣布与Lucid Motors合作,为皮纳尔县即将到来的先进制造商的员工建立一个高科技培训中心. 该中心将配备由AATN行业认可课程驱动的培训设备.


亚利桑那州先进制造研究所(AzAMI)在梅萨社区学院 一个独特的卓越中心是为了帮助亚利桑那州的商业和行业合作伙伴保持竞争力,并提供一个受过职业教育和准备工作的员工的管道. From enrollment to employment, AzAMI将劳动力机会与当地和区域企业联系起来, building a technically trained, talented supply of motivated and skilled individuals.

Pima Community College Logo

Pima Community College (PCC) is a two-year college providing workforce development, career training programs, continuing education and more. 作为亚利桑那先进技术网络的创始成员, 皮马社区学院致力于使学生具备未来工作所需的技能. 学院目前正在建设应用技术卓越中心, 设有汽车技术创新中心和先进制造中心. These centers will house CNC machining, quality inspection, automation and robotics, welding, computer-aided design and engineering technology programs.

Estrella Mountain Community College logo

Estrella Mountain Community College
Part of the Maricopa Community College District, 埃斯特雷拉山社区学院(EMCC)位于埃文代尔, outside of Phoenix. EMCC是亚利桑那州先进技术网络的最新成员, 提供自动化工业技术应用科学副学士学位. Students learn to troubleshoot, 维护和修理各种自动化机电设备, product assembly, process control, and product distribution systems.

Arizona’s Joint Technical Education Districts (JTEDs)通过职业和技术教育cq9传奇电子论坛帮助高中生为就业做好准备.


Manufacturing-related programs include:

  • Automation / Robotics
  • Computer maintenance
  • Electronic technologies
  • Engineering science
  • Precision machining
  • Software development
  • Welding technologies
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